Individual Programs
Coaches are masters of habit change.
I work ONE-ON-ONE with my clients for an intensive and personalized wellness experience. My health coaching programs are tailored to provide curated health/lifestyle information PLUS techniques for trusting the body’s intuition. It’s a mind & body balance; I work with clients so they understand each choice and action is in alignment with their desired health goals. My programs are specifically designed to provide the right SYSTEM, SUPPORT, and ACCOUNTABILITY for clients to achieve inevitable success.
In order to replace destructive beliefs and behaviors with constructive ones, each component is essential for long term health.
SYSTEM: Each program contains a system for stepping my clients through a transformational health experience.
SUPPORT: Coach and client identifies a support network that allows for inevitable success, including supportive people and environment.
ACCOUNTABILITY: ME… as your health coach… I supply the accountability to keep you on track. I lead you toward your goals and stretch you outside your comfort zone at times. We will do it in a safe and fun way so that you get to practice building those muscles that are not used to change!
Imagine all the possibilities that can open up when you’re thriving and feeling confident in your body and health! Freedom is possible… because you are worthy and YOU DESERVE IT!
Whole Body Solution: 12-week program
My Whole Body Solution:12-week program includes small habit and mindset changes combined with self-awareness techniques around food, exercise, sleep, and stress reduction - specific to your own body and lifestyle. This includes TWELVE weekly 1-hour sessions. In each session, I coach around your own GOALS AND CHALLENGES, present resources and tools, and introduce new topics relevant to your particular health journey. By the end, clients are surprised and thrilled at how they experienced a powerful transformation for their health- with a new baseline of BEING.
When you join Whole Body Solution: 12-Week program, you will:
GOALS: Set your own health goals, take small but powerful steps for letting go of old habits and beliefs that not longer serve you, and adopt new ones that will help you thrive and sustain a balanced healthy lifestyle .
WEIGHT LOSS: Coaching strategies teach you how to lose the weight for good! Learn about essential nutrition for balancing blood sugar, reducing sugar cravings, weight loss and gaining optimal energy.
STRESS: Learn to manage stress and gain an understanding of how it is affecting your health, weight and life overall.
INJURIES & HEALTH ISSUE: Learn to thrive while managing a current health condition or injury.Discover the root cause of why you AREN’T succeeding with your current goals.
LIFESTYLE DISEASES: Learn how to avoid the top lifestyle diseases like heart, stroke, obesity and diabetes.Get “un-stuck” so that you can GET MOVING and keep moving FORWARD.
Learn to listen and trust your body’s wisdom and intuition.
Learn to recognize and avoid self-sabotage.
Build a LOVING relationship with YOURSELF, stand in your MAGIC, and SHARE it with others
28-day Whole body reboot
A JUMP START to your Whole Body Health. Whether you are fine tuning your existing lifestyle behaviors, or taking this first step to achieving breakthroughs in your health - you will be UP-LEVELING your life and revving at a HIGER FREQUENCY!
This program includes FOUR 1-hour weekly sessions, along with many of the elements of the 12-week program- condensed to meet your specific needs and goals.
Learn about essential nutrition and fitness according to your particular body type
Identify habits that no longer serve you and keep you stuck in old patterns
Identify areas of sabotage that throw you off your game
Develop a better relationship to your body and health
Learn new habit changes that will become part of your everyday lifestyle
Learn stress management techniques and the secrets to staying on track with your health.
YOU the client can customize these sessions, single or multiple, based on your needs and desired outcomes in areas of:
Health | Relationships | Career | Finances/Money Management | Spiritualty/Life Purpose
Trained in the Transformational Coaching Method, TCM, and a master coach of habit change, I am committed to providing REAL results for my clients. Every person’s path is unique! If you are stuck in a rut or facing a major life decision, this coaching will provide you the clarity, confidence and motivation to take a bold step for yourself!!
These sessions are highly effective for allowing you to get UNSTUCK, move FORWARD and finally create REAL CHANGE in your life! My clients achieve success based on my unique format for these sessions – a combination of:
The TCM, Transformational Coaching Method
Coaching strategies around nutrition, stress reduction, lifestyle habits
MINDSET changes to help the client gain clarity and put into action sustainable habit changes.
Single Coaching Sessions
Whole Food RESET Cleanse
This is a gentle reset of body and mind through your own prepared meals using real whole food over a 7 day period. This cleanse is ideal for those who are struggling with health issues including digestion/bloating, energy and weight; and it gives you a whole different experience with food. It is tailored to YOU the individual - for what feels achievable and what works best for your body and lifestyle.
Over 21 days, you will receive 3 one-hour sessions where I share my knowledge and skill set, assess your progress, and attend to every aspect of your journey. You will also receive a valuable Cleanse Manual with shopping list and recipes.
When you finish, you will know what foods work best for you and what foods you should avoid according to your unique body and personal needs. We are all different—so our diets should be also. This is the quickest way to get back on the “wagon” if you feel like you have fallen off.
Let’s get you back IN CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH and learn the answers to the questions you’ve been looking for regarding to your relationship with FOOD!
PHASE ONE: PRE-CLEANSE PREP (2 DAYS) The Pre-Cleanse is about making the commitment setting your intentions, shopping for cleanse friendly ingredients, and beginning to ease your body into the full cleanse, mentally, emotionally and physically.
PHASE TWO: CLEANSE (7 DAYS) During the Cleanse you will follow the simple diet plan and body practices.
PHASE THREE: RE-INTRODUCTION (5 DAYS) In the Re-Introduction phase you will re-introduce foods back into your diet one by one to identify food sensitivities and intolerances and create a maintenance diet that best serves your unique body.
Shed excess weight (especially abdominal weight)
Boost your energy
Feel lighter and cleaner
Decrease your craving for unhealthy foods
Experience deeper sleep and clearer skin
Improve your digestion (less gas and bloating)
Enhance your body’s ability to mobilize and excrete toxins
Decrease congestion and allergy symptoms
Discover food sensitivities
Create healthy habits that enliven you
Specialized Programs
I offer signature 12-week programs to manage lifestyle habits for heart disease, stroke and obesity….to reduce current effects or future risks. These programs are tailored to work with individuals alongside their doctor or medical practitioner to offer support and accountability. These are geared to help clients learn to sustain habit changes for an optimum and comfortable lifestyle.
“I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my HEART.”